Abortion pills is Available From R300
An abortion with pills is over 99% effective and is extremely safe, with less than a 1% chance of severe complications. The risk of death from a safe abortion is lower than from an injection of penicillin or from carrying a pregnancy to term. An abortion with pills is so safe that most of the time, women can take the medications at home without routine follow-up—they need to seek care only if they have a question or problem. Abortion does not cause infertility, mental health problems, or problems with future pregnancies.
Durban abortion pills
Providing or supporting an abortion with pills doesn’t require any special technology or medical interventions. According to the World Health Organization, routine blood tests, ultrasound, and follow-up are unnecessary; a safe abortion with pills requires only accurate information, quality medications, and mutual respect and trust. Because of this, medication abortion has expanded access to safe abortion care for millions of women and girls around the world—especially in low-resource and crisis settings.
Abortion Pill From R300 Same day
- The first medicine ends the pregnancy by blocking the hormone progesterone. Without progesterone, the lining of the uterus breaks down and the pregnancy cannot continue.
- The second medicine makes the womb contract, causing cramping, bleeding, and the loss of the pregnancy similar to a miscarriage.
The Side Effects And Complications Of Abortion Pills +27834130762
For some women, cramping is very strong – much more painful than menstrual cramps (if you have menstrual cramps) and the bleeding is much heavier than a menstrual period.
- You might pass blood clots up to the size of lemons in the first few hours after taking medication.
- For other women, cramping is mild and bleeding is like a normal menstrual period.
After a medical abortion, it’s completely normal to experience some cramping and bleeding. Some women may also experience:
- Nausea or vomiting
- Headaches
- Diarrhea
- Fever/chills, temporary flushes, or sweats If you are sick within one hour of taking the first pill, you will need to take another for it to be effective.
You should let us know as soon as possible if you have been sick after taking the tablet.
The onset of these symptoms can happen fairly soon after taking the medication but most women recover quickly, usually within 1-2 days.
Please plan your journey home from our clinic, especially if you are traveling long distances.
Safe Abortion In Durban +27834130762
How To Use Abortion Pills?
A medical abortion involves taking medication to end the pregnancy. It doesn’t require surgery or an anesthetic, and can be used at any stage of pregnancy.
It involves the following steps:
abortion pills from R300
First, you take a medicine that stops the hormone which allows the pregnancy to continue working; you’ll be able to go home afterward and continue your normal activities.
- Usually 24 to 48 hours later, you take a second medicine – this will either be a tablet that you may swallow, let dissolve under your tongue or between your cheek and gum, or insert it into your vagina.
- Within four to six hours, the lining of the womb breaks down, causing bleeding and loss of the pregnancy – you may be at home while this happens. call +27783924289
After medical abortion Safe Abortion In port Elizabeth Eastern cape and Cape town +27834130762
If you have a medical abortion, you may experience short-lived side effects from the medications, such as nausea and diarrhea. General anesthetic and conscious sedation medication can also have side effects.
For all types of abortion, it’s likely you will experience some stomach cramps and vaginal bleeding, too.
These usually last a week or two. Sometimes light vaginal bleeding after a medical abortion can last up to a month.
Abortion Safe Abortion In Durban +27834130762
Abortion is a time-sensitive decision and action. You have to decide and act as soon as possible.
At some point, you may not even get help!
There are 2ways of ending a pregnancy:
- in-clinic abortion &
- the abortion pill. Both are safe, effective, and very common.
If you’re pregnant and thinking about abortion, We’re here to help!
What are the barriers to accessing safe abortion care?
Abortion is still partly criminalized in many countries, although nearly all of them make exceptions to save the woman’s life and, in the majority of countries where MSF works, to preserve her health. Legal frameworks around abortion are complex and nuanced, and can be difficult for patients and medical providers to navigate. Legal limitations are especially concerning given clear evidence that they do not lower the number of abortions but instead make unsafe abortion more likely. Given this mounting evidence, in recent years many countries have revised their laws to permit abortion under a broader set of circumstances, with the result that maternal deaths have decreased. For example, since South Africa’s post-apartheid government adopted the Choice of Termination of Pregnancy Act (CTOP) in 1996, deaths from unsafe abortion have dropped by 91%.
Beyond the legal barriers, many women experience shame, social stigma, and negative attitudes about the circumstances that led to their unwanted pregnancy, or to the abortion itself—which in turn can create obstacles to accessing care. Common obstacles include verbal abuse or social rejection from family and friends, misrepresentation or lack of information about laws regarding abortion, and rejection, stigma, and ignorance within the health system.
The COVID-19 pandemic presents other powerful barriers to access. In responding to the pandemic many governments have deprioritized sexual and reproductive health, leading to funding cuts and thousands of clinic closures around the world as resources are diverted into COVID-19 activities. Lockdowns, curfews, travel bans, and loss of safe public transportation options also make it difficult or impossible for women to reach health centers.
Kae safe abortion clinic in KwaZulu-Natal
Safe Abortion In Durban
Looking For Abortion Pills? We offer Safe abortion pills that will help you end unwanted pregnancy in just a few hours without affecting your body!
Medical Abortion In Durban
“abortion pill” – taking medicine to end the pregnancy.
Abortion pills are;
- Safe, effective, cheap, quick, and easy to use at home without any problem.
- can be safely used up to 13 weeks without any side effects or complications.
- It can be ordered online and be delivered to your address with full instructions on how to use them at home.
- Cheaper than surgical abortion.
- 100% safe, effective, and guaranteed.
- Usually no need to return after successful abortion
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