About Kae Safe Abortion clinic

CALL OR WHATSAPP +27834130762

Abortion Pills-Abortion Services

Kae Abortion we offer over counter abortion pills Port Elizabeth

Pricing: Abortion Pills From R300

 We offer Abortion Pills From R300 However, there is no uniform price for abortion costs in South Africa.

 Call OR WHATSAPP +27834130762

CALL / WHATSAPP +27834130762

CALL OR WHATSAPP  +27834130762


Is the abortion pill safe R300?

The abortion pill is really safe and effective. It’s a super common way to have an abortion, and millions of people have used it safely. Unless there’s a rare and serious complication that’s not treated, there’s no risk to your future pregnancies or to your overall health.

Is the abortion pill safer than surgery?

While every surgical procedure involves some risk, the truth is that medical abortion is one of the safest and most common abortion options in south Africa – 10 times safer than carrying a pregnancy to term and delivering vaginally. 

Early Surgical Abortion: Specialized surgical abortion care for 3 – 5 weeks of pregnancy.

How do you know if the abortion pill worked?

You may go back into the health center for an ultrasound or blood test. Or you’ll get a pregnancy test to take at home, followed by a phone call with your nurse or doctor. These tests will make sure the abortion worked and that you’re healthy.

What if you don’t bleed after taking abortion pills?

If you don’t experience vaginal bleeding, abdominal cramps, and contractions of the uterus within 4 hours after taking abortion pills, this may indicate that the medical termination has failed. If this happens to you, contact us as soon as possible.

WHATSAPP OR CALL  +27834130762

Abortion Clinics open on weekend

We open daily from 8 am-5 pm including weekends and public holidays


We offer both surgical abortion and medical abortion “abortion pills” for up to 20 weeks.

Our goal has always been to care for women’s physical AND emotional well-being. 

In our clinic, women receive safe abortion procedures in a compassionate setting. That explains why so many women who have used our services bring their loved ones to our clinic if they need help. 


Widely known as (abortion pill) is done without surgery and is carried out by taking it Orally Or Vaginally.  This procedure takes 45 min -1 hour depending on how your body reacts on the medication thus leading to (T.O.P).

Effectiveness & Advantages Of (Medical procedure). 

Effective for safely ending early pregnancy (5-8% of women will need a surgical procedure to end the pregnancy).


Surgical procedures can be a simple and effective option for up to 14 weeks. Surgical procedures administered using local anesthesia or conscious sedation; commonly referred to as “twilight sleep.” The scheduled follow-up visit confirms that the woman is healing people


From 13 to 26 weeks of gestation, the second-trimester abortion procedure is typically performed in one day. Please contact our office for more information.

ASPIRATION PROCEDURES aspiration is a gentle, non-surgical early abortion option.
​ You can choose to either be awake or put to sleep with general anesthesia, but you must not eat before your appointment. Recovery time is 5-10 minutes. After you leave the clinic you can resume your normal daily activities.

Symptoms as your body recovers

Symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and tiredness usually stop within 3 days of an abortion. Sore breasts may take 7 to 10 days to disappear. Your breasts may feel firm and tender and leak milk after your procedure. Your breasts will return to normal after 3 to 4 days of swelling. You will feel more comfortable if you wear a supportive bra and apply cold ice packs to your breasts. Take ibuprofen or paracetamol, if necessary for the pain.


Your next menstrual period will begin 4-6 weeks after your treatment. If you have not had a period 6 weeks after your treatment, you should do a pregnancy test. If it is positive, ring the clinic or Aftercare Line. It’s important to remember that any bleeding immediately after your treatment is not a period.


When abortion is successful & done you need to clean your womb, you will bleed for 1-4 weeks, and nothing is allowed inside for 2 weeks, No tampons, Bath(only showers) and No fingers or Penis. If it was unsuccessful, you have to come back to our (Gyn) to make it successful.


A follow-up exam is scheduled for two weeks later to make sure the process is complete. If you have not yet miscarried, we will perform an aspiration abortion. A very small percentage (5%) of women do not pass the pregnancy tissue and need a suction procedure to complete the process.
Annual gynecological exams are a must for good health.
We provide reasonably-priced gynecological exams including birth control consultations and prescriptions, STD screening and treatment, and emergency appointments +27834130762